Tag Archives: anti-semitism

Blame The Jews

This week’s Dustinland comic is about how I feel about being Jewish, which is different than most Jews, I would imagine, since I am very non-Jewish in terms of practicing religion, or even cultural traditions for that matter. Basically, I light a menorah once a year and my parents make potato pancakes. That’s how Jewish I am. It stops there. But still, I am part of something much bigger. I’m a funny (supposedly) New Yorker that works in the media/advertising industries, so there’s that. But the whole thing is pretty weird. Not to be too much of a hippie stoner about it, but I’m just a person trying to make his way through life, and yet I am caught up in this centuries old feud, where you have to assume at least a billion people don’t like me, or at least don’t like the idea of me.

I don’t know. Everything is just awful right now, and getting worse. I mean, forget anti-semitism. Brazil is about to destroy the Amazon and China just said let’s kill all tigers and rhinos. The world is fucked. Mankind is doomed. But hey, I guess blame the Jews.

Innocence Lost

Not much else to say about this week’s Dustinland comic.

What kind of country are we living in?